
‘Ocean Motion’ Review

Corinne Crimson – Ocean Motion

Corinne Crimson is definitely one of the most interesting artists on the music scene right now. Her style is very diverse, and her record releases always match the expectations of her listeners with high quality and consistency across the board. Her recent single, Ocean Motion, is really a perfect example of the singer’s incredible versatility and talent. This song should definitely be on every summer playlist, as it’s about having fun in the ocean! This is the time to enjoy the warmth of the sun, the soothing sound of the waves, and feel truly free. This track has a real party vibe, but it’s also about the freedom of playing in the waves by yourself, connecting with the flow.

The things that I like the most about this song are definitely Corinne’s amazing vocal style, along with the lush and dynamic production value. This is a song that you can dance to, but it is also one of those songs that you can easily connect with on a deeper level, due to the singer’s amazing lyrics and very relatable melodic style.

The flow of this song really makes me think of some of today’s modern pop heavy hitters, including Katy Perry, Ke$ha, as well as Elle Goulding, but Corinne has a very distinctive style that really eludes close comparison! This song is yet another fantastic addition to her beautiful repertoire, and it will certainly become a part of your heavy rotation as soon as you hit the play button! – by Band Camp Diaries Magazine