
‘Rainbow Is Home’ Review

Corinne Crimson has a really endless amount of creativity and charm. With every song, she is able to tap into a huge potential of melodies, great lyrics, and amazing hooks, making every moment count. Her single release “Rainbow is Home” has a sound that is just as unique and colorful as its title. The song has a distinctive warm vibe, that makes me feel like this is is an instant classic. Corinne’s amazing voice is as thoughtful and stunning as ever and her ability to turn clever vocal lines into huge and charismatic hooks is absolutely wonderful. She has a way with words, but more importantly, she has a way with melodies and she knows how to keep listeners on the edge of their seats. Or better yet, jump right off of those seats and start moving to the rhythm!

With an upbeat tempo of 150 bpm, “Rainbow Is Home” is just the perfect dance track. It also has a really positive vibe that echoes ideas of peace and love. With its trippy guitar tones, it’s the ultimate festival tune! Band Camp Diaries Magazine