
Corinne Crimson – EP (by Dave Franklin) Dancing by Architecture Magazine

I think that the reason that Corinne Crimson’s songs seem to stand up against the tide of bedroom EDMers and pop wannabes is that where as the competition, largely speaking, built their songs up from sampled beats and synthesised grooves, Corinne writes in a more traditional way on a guitar, adding the musical texture once the song is bolted down. This means that unlike those aiming to be the next David Guetta or similar clubland sensation working from a beat up towards the melody and generally bypassing the groove, her songs manage to build all these components in before the machines take over, the perfect symbiosis of tradition and technology.

And the result is a set of songs which are vibrant and dance orientated but which against the run of the mill clubland fayre seem to exist in three dimensions rather than the flatland beat that has become the norm. Angel kicks things of with a lazy, looping and sultry groove; island vibes and an inherent restraint make this the perfect calling card, a lesson in understatement, not giving away all the goods straight away but the perfect first step into her world.

Catch and Release introduces a more rock vibe behind its electronic motifs and unleashes a response to the ungallant ways that some men conduct themselves and Honey Brown Skin takes a more frivolous pathway, talking about the sun-kissed, carefree environment that is the birth place of this music. Corinne herself refers to it as California Beach Girl Music so it seems only fitting that such topics are part of the conversation. A more life affirming moment comes with Say What a song which wanders between Day-Glo acoustic pop and funky dance culture and it is a funkiness which is heightened on the ep’s final track.

Testosterone goes right to the heart of one of the most important debates happening today, that of personal space and appropriate behaviour and even though it comes on as a funked up and vibrant art-attack, the message it carries is probably the most important one on the album. Beneath its pop glow it reminds us that anyone holding us back, getting in the way of our goals or requiring us to change who we want to be is someone we need to cut out of our lives. The new watch word of 2018 is respect and this is part of that soundtrack.

Not everything has to have a deep meaning and require lyrical pondering or musical dissection, some music can be taken at face value, is to be enjoyed and appreciated for its “in the moment” qualities. Corinne Crimson’s latest e.p. is just that, an up front, in your face, collection of songs. But far from being challenging it seeks merely to try to get you to join the party. Yes, it is interesting lyrically, has something to say and makes some very valid points but I’m sure she would be the first to say it is all about the party first, plenty of time to talk later.

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