
‘Birthday Wish’ Review

One of the most amazing perks of reviewing music is seeing how an artist evolves and finds a unique voice. In this case, Corinne Crimson is an artist that I have been familiar with for quite some time now, and she has showcased a fantastic set of skills when it comes to constantly trying new ideas and further reinvent her sound over time, going for a more personal and direct tone with every release. The artist managed indeed to swiftly refine her songwriting skills, discovering a rich and detailed set of nuances, adding depth to her music.
Corinne’s most recent release, Birthday Wish, stands as a great example of this. This release is amazing, highlighting Corinne’s vision and willingness to incorporate various influences into her music, including pop, electro, and more. Birthday Wish is going to make you very happy if you are a fan of amazing modern melodies with a personal twist. This is a feel-good anthem with a unique touch! – Bandcamp Diaries Magazine