
‘Corinne Crimson EP’ Review by Peter Vidani – Band Camp Diaries Magazine

Corinne Crimson – Corinne Crimson EP

Corinne Crimson is a driven, passionate and charismatic artist with a passion for catchy melodies and energetic grooves. Her music is a stunning combination of amazing pop hooks and dense EDM vibes, bridging the gaps between the best of both worlds.
This particular EP marks a very significant step forward for Corinne, highlighting her growth as an artist and her abilities as a performer. The production aesthetics are absolutely world-class, marking a modern punch and a crisp, clear sound. I love the fact that this remarkable production has a very contemporary feel to it, but it still embraces some timeless elements, such as the strikingly open choruses and the emotional lyricism of the songs.The EP actually feature 5 songs that showcase different sonic directions and ideas, highlighting the vast and eclectic personality of this charismatic artist. From the lush and otherworldly melodies of “Angel” to the groovy beat of “Testosterone”, there are many memorable moments on this stunning collection of tunes.
Tunes such as “Catch and Release” and “Honey Brown Skin” are also perfect examples of Corinne’s light-hearted approach to melody and performance.

When reviewing albums, I often love to spend a few words on the cover artwork as well, since it is also a part of the release, after all, even if it seldom gets acknowledged in music reviews. The stunningly colored artwork drawing is actually an amazing representation of Corinne’s unique and vibrant personality, giving the listeners a perfect insight on her amazing tone and character.
Much like Corinne’s engaging character, her songs are uplifting, bright and vibrant, and will certainly get listeners hooked with their memorable grooves and awesome melodies.
With Corinne’s music, you certainly have all the ingredients to a real hit. There is passion, good lyrics, beautiful instrumentals and tons of fun!
The release is currently available throughout the major digital media, distributed through CDBaby.
Find out more and listen via the following link!



We also had a chance to catch up with Corinne – read on to check out our interview!

I love how you manage to render your tracks so personal and organic. Does the melody come first, or do you focus on the beat the most?

The lyrics always come first for me.  If there is some kind of reoccurring theme happening in my life at the time, it will turn into a phrase, such as: ‘I’m not an angel but I have a piece of heaven inside of me’ (Angel)… or ‘I’m the one who got away’ (Catch and Release)… or ‘I think of you and your honey brown skin, all I can say is I want to get in’ (Honey Brown Skin).  The phrase bounces around my head for a while and becomes the chorus, then the verses are adding more information about the chorus.

I write down a lot of visual words I want included in the song, words that help me paint the picture in my mind.  I write them on one side of a piece of paper, then on the other side I write words that might rhyme or fit with that image.  The verses flow from this.  Often, I will have a popular song stuck in my head.  I’ll sing the new phrases to the flow of the song.  It slowly evolves into something new.

Lots of times songs, or ideas for songs will bounce around in my head for a month or two.  Then, on a quiet night when there are no distractions, it will flow out of me like honey.

When I’m ready to put it to music I grab my guitar.  I write everything on guitar.  I took piano lessons when I was a child and I know the basic chords, but the guitar is more expressive emotionally for me.  I have a very mobile lifestyle and can’t carry a piano to a party, or a campfire, or take it on a plane, so it’s always been me and a guitar.

I love to jam with other people and trade songs that we know.  I always end up learning something new and the new chord, or lick, or vocals always makes their way into the next song.  Finding the right chords to play is usually the easiest part.  Next, I get on the computer and find a good beat.  I started on Garage Band but now I use Logic to find background musical loops.  In the studio, I’ll record the vocals and guitar and mix them with my loops.

Do you perform live? If so, do you feel more comfortable on a stage or within the walls of the recording studio?

Performing live is terrifying and thrilling at the same time.  But it’s mostly thrilling, so I try to play before an audience whenever I can.  The euphoric feeling lasts for days and I can’t think of anything more rewarding then having people cheer at a performance.  I have been in so many bands and I have loved every one of them: “Dragonfly,” “The Sun Masons,” “Experimental Ear Candy,” “Living in Venus,” “Hermosa Beach Social Club,” and others.  Performing with a group is really exciting because the combined energy can be electric.  We feed off each other’s vibrancy.  That’s so much fun!  I’m not in a band now because I’m traveling so much, so I play acoustic guitar for my friend’s parties whenever I can.  I bring a guitar and a hula hoop to every party, it’s not a real celebration without them!

The recording studio is an entirely different experience, there’s more room for experimentation.  I can play with the sound of my voice layered with multiple tracks of my voice which could never happen live.  I can add instruments and sounds that I could never find in my own environment.  Performing live with a band is lovely in every way because of the energy, but it’s also limiting because we each have our own musical limitations.  In a studio, the potential is limitless.

If you could only pick one song to make a “first impression” on a new listener, which song would you pick and why?

‘Good Times’ is my most requested song.  It’s all about beach parties in Hermosa Beach and feeling good.  Who wouldn’t love that?  The chorus is really easy to sing along with, so everybody does (which makes it even more fun to play).  “These are good times” over and over again.  Now that’s a song that people could really get out their lighters for!  Watch for it, I’m going to be releasing it very soon!

What does it take to be “innovative” in music?

Desire.  Anyone with a Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) can make their own music.  Every time you create something new you are adding something beautiful and interesting to the world, so just do it!  We are all using the same chords that have been played for centuries, but each person has something unique to add to the tapestry of sound.  Each time you create something with your heart and soul it gets better, and gives others around you something to relate to.  Even if what you’re creating is horrible or depressing, there’s someone out there that’s going to say “Hey, I thought I was the only one that was horrible and depressed, I’m not the only one.”  And BOOM!  It just made someone’s day.  What does it take?  It takes YOU, the artist, reaching out, sharing your creativity.  Creating music has helped me through the darkest times in my life and I hope to encourage other people to turn to their creativity to thrive and overcome any obstacles.

Any upcoming release or tour your way?

I have some remixes coming out very soon (maybe by the time you are reading this article), also some singles very soon as well.  I hope you will enjoy them.  😉

Anywhere online where curious fans can listen to your music and find out more about you?

CorinneCrimson.com is my main website.  I have a bit of a cover song travel blog on YouTube, each time I go to a new place I learn a few songs and record them there.  It’s very low-fi casual, but a fun way to learn new songs and keep it fresh.  There are also music videos for my original music on YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter that I made myself.  I’m just getting started on Instagram. I hope one day to inspire people as so many artists have inspired me. I would love to hear your feedback. 🙂

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